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Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope By Monica extension 8002 7/5-7/13

Weekly Horoscope for all 12 signs.  If you know your rising sign, be sure to read that too! favor.

Aries:  Imagination. Pay attention to details. There’s a tendency to create illusions that are lovely but totally out of this world.

Taurus: Iffy. Something you want not be what others are willing to concede it’s possible you aren’t sure what you want yourself. Decisions.

Gemini: Adjust. You might make some mis­takes in judgment now. An independent/depen­dent conflict seems to be brewing. People you deal with aren’t very flexible.

Cancer: Listen. Now you’re on a track that can put you in a stronger position. One who is practical and down to earth has ideas to share. Be responsive.

Leo: Examine money matters can be more involved than you’d like. You really should be wary of one who claims to be in the know but not be. Check this out.

Virgo: Although you’re aware of what others are up to you’re more interested in your personal concerns. Take a mate’s recommendations about your appearance with a grain of salt; fry not to overreact.

Libra: Lively. You can make your own excitement and you do need to keep the adrena­line flowing Outdoor recreation is indicated.

Scorpio: Control. Today you’re in charge and events move ahead at a rapid pace. Assuming a leadership role is a foregone conclusion You’re definitely motivated.

Sagittarius: Merge. There is a lot of vulner­ability under the controlled image you sometimes display Get close to one who knows how to light up your life.

Capricorn: Somewhere out there is the perfect mate for you. Even if work seems more important at the moment you do need to do some socializing.

Aquarius: It matters! Don’t cut corners There’s a tendency to take chances even to get involved in shady deals No no no!

Pisces: A dream you have provides some clues that help you refocus on your career goals and long term ambitions. If you interpret the dreams cor­rectly success will be yours.