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Tag Archives: astrologia

Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope By Monica extension 8002 1/17-1/24

Weekly Horoscope for all 12 signs.  If you know your rising sign, be sure to read that too! favor.

Aries: Your ability to do your work effectively is hampered by personal stresses so resolve to use meditation and creative visualization to release your tensions. Exercise or a hobby could also help

Taurus: Running a business from your home could not only be wildly successful it could offer your ingenuity more of a challenge and allow you to utilize unused skills and talents.

Gemini: You need to get away from your routines to get out of the rut you’re in but your responsibilities are likely to prevail. Don’t despair new experiences are coming your way.

Cancer: You finally finish a personal project you’ve been working on for some time and that enables you to get through a hectic and difficult day with ease. A career opportunity beckons.

Leo: You find yourself in a situation only a sibling neighbor or classmate can get you out. Do not be reluctant to ask for help and vow to return the favor.

Virgo: All the communication problems you’ve endured for the last few weeks are due to ease up and not a moment too soon. Your interest in learning a language gets support from an unexpected quarter.

Libra: A longtime end wants you to play an important part in a party he or she is planning. Fascinating folks you met recently want to get to know you better.

Scorpio: You tend to seek solitude to dwell on a painful incident from the past but since resolving the issues involved is unlikely spend time alone those who love you instead.

Sagittarius: You’re predisposed to think the worst of your appearance but that attitude often turns out to be the spur that forces you to present yourself in new and interesting ways .A makeover isn’t always physical.

Capricorn: You get excited about a self-improvement program that sounds great but your interest will wane if you’re moving in the wrong direction. Look within and do a little soul-searching.

Aquarius: You’re tempted to grouse at an individ ual who’s behaving insipidly but you decide to use tact instead It’s easy to avoid hurting others’ feelings if you pay attention to what you say.

Pisces: You and a family member fee! like going your separate ways after an argument that cen tered around how difficult you are to live with some times. You know it’s true so apologize gracefully.

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