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Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope By Monica extension 8002 9/6-9/12

Weekly Horoscope for all 12 signs.  If you know your rising sign, be sure to read that too! favor.

Aries: You can handle more than you think you can It’s simply a matter of getting organized and staying the course. Results this afternoon should be rewarding.

Taurus: Discuss. A domestic matter than comes up just isn’t quite as urgent as you imagine. Why not talk things over with family members? Beneficial changes are indicated.

Gemini: You meet someone exotic and foreign to whom you’re instantly drawn. If you further the acquaintance the cultural viewpoints you acquire likely very different from yours could help broaden your horizons.

Cancer: The responsibilities of a new household member could be keeping you from getting to­gether with ends as much as you’d like. Have them meet you for lunch near your workplace

Leo: You’re in the mood to relax at home and you consider calling out sick so you can do just that. You make plans to hit the shops on the upcoming weekend.

Virgo: A burst of creative energy that grips you enables you to tackle important household matters. You figure out a new way to address a problem that keeps coming back.

Libra: You consider starting a secret love affair but it’s partly worry about your finances that has you thinking this way. Your money situation will improve so think again.

Scorpio: You’re in a sociable mood and enjoy meeting new folks and making ends wherever you go. Don’t let the jealousy of a mate destroy your attitude others get a lift from it.

Sagittarius: Easy. You don’t have to force issues today; somehow they’ll simply resolve themselves. Your relaxed attitude might be partly responsible.

Capricorn: Rough It’s understandable if you seem to be obsessed with a partnership dilemma. Do try to be philosophical

Aquarius: You’re overly sensitive to the criticism of others today so don’t overreact when your opinions are ignored or your attitudes are questioned. Let each person go his or her own way.

Pisces: You’ve been mentally reviewing your dealings with others and now you vow to make some improvements in your methods of communication. Your personal affairs are soon to be more pressing than professional ones.

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